Diana de la Rua Eugenio
President of the Board of Directors

Prof. Diana de la Rua Eugenio
Diana de la Rúa Eugenio, Mediator, is the President of ‘Respuesta para la Paz’ – Answer for Peace – an Argentinean non-profit, non-governmental organisation (NGO) and the former Secretary General of the Consejo Latino Americano de Investigación para la Paz – CLAIP (Latin American Peace Research Association).
She is full profesor of Negotiation at a Posgrade at the Universidad Nacional Tres de Febrero, City of Buenos Aires (UNTreF) and provides training courses throughout Argentina on;negotiation, mediation, specialising in complex community mediation, consensus building and facilitation. Diana is also a part-time, multi-party community mediator at the Buenos Aires Ombudsman´s Office.
She has been a Board Member of the International Peace Research Association Foundation (IPRAF) since 2006 and is a former Delegate Representative for Latin America at IPRA’s International Board Meeting.
Diana co-founded the Commissions "First Nation" and "Peace and Citizenship" for the Civil Society Advisory Council within the National Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Argentina.
She has studied negotiation, mediation and conflict resolution at the University of Buenos Aires, Harvard Law School, FLASCO, Transcend (Galtung) and various other Argentinean institutions and has been invited to present workshops on these topics at global events and conferences all over the world.
Former Positions:
- Head of the ‘Multiparty Community Mediation’, Buenos Aires’ Community Mediation Program, (2001-2005).
- Program Coordinator, ‘Organization and Training Program’ for the City of Buenos Aires´s Ombudsman´s Office (2000-2001). Prior position as Community Mediator of the same program (1996-2001).
- Taught ‘Mediation’ at the European Peace University in Stadschlaining, Austria, (2007 and 2008).
- Professor of Community Mediation for the Postgraduate degree in Negotiation and Mediation with in the School of Psychology at the University of Buenos Aires, (2002-2007).
- ‘Community Mediation: Challenges and alternatives for the resolution of conflicts in the society’ (Mediación comunitaria: Desafíos y alternativas para la resolución de conflictos en la sociedad) Edit. Abeledo Perrot, Buenos Aires, 2010.
- ‘Mediation and Peacebuilding: Mediation: Empowering people for better understanding’ in INTERNATIONAL SECURITY, PEACE, DEVELOPMENT, AND ENVIRONMENT, ed. by Ursula Oswald Spring, Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems, Eolss Publishers, UK, 2006
- ‘First Nations and Conflict Resolution’ (Pueblos Originarios y Resolución de conflictos) Edit. Ursula Oswald Spring, Colegio de Tlaxcala, México, 2004.
- ‘Marginal Neighborhoods and the need of Community Mediation’ (Barrios marginales y su necesidad de mediación comunitaria), Revista La Trama, 2006. (http://www.revistalatrama.com.ar/contenidos/revista/abs_esp.php?id=117)