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© 2024 IPRA Foundation. All Rights Reserved.

Contribute to the IPRA Foundation


The Endowment Fund supports the work of the International Peace Research Association and its affiliates, including expenses and needs of the IPRA Foundation.


Although the IPRA Foundation seldom undertakes fundraising activities, it is prepared to administer grants for projects of member institutes, regional associations, and others approved by IPRA commissions. A fee of 15% is charged for this service.


The Foundation welcomes contributions of all sizes.  Contributions are fully tax deductible in the U.S.  The IPRA Foundation is a tax-exempt, non-profit 501 (c) (3) organization.

Donors may contribute to the General Fund or to one of the already established Project Funds.  These Projects are fully described elsewhere on this website and  include:

We are happy to announce a new program whereby donors may contribute funds specifically in the name of a Peace Researcher.  With the donor's permission, the receipt of such designated contributions will be published in IPRA Foundation publications according to the wishes of the donor in order to honor the name of the peace researcher and their work.  Currently the Foundation is requesting contributions in the names of the following Peace Researchers:

Elise Boulding
Ted Herman
Herbert Kelman

Contribute to a Particular Project Now with Paypal
IPRA Foundation General Fund
Dorothy Marchus Senesh Fellowship
Peace Research Grants
Kenneth E. Boulding Conference Travel Fund
Endowment Fund

Checks may be made payable to “IPRA Foundation” and sent to:

IPRA Foundation
c/o Rachel Trueblood, Treasurer
2855 Rock Creek Circle #289
Superior  CO  80027

The IPRA Foundation is a tax-exempt, non-profit 501 (c) (3) organization.

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