Ana Luiza Da Gama e Souza and Lara Denise Góes da Costa 2020
Brazil, Ph.D., Sociology and Law, Fluminense Federal University, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Ph.D., Philosophy, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Vulnerable Migrants in Brazil: Towards Building Positive Peace through the Company’s Commitment to Human Rights

Executive Summary
The world today experiences an unprecedented level of human mobility, which normally occurs without incident. However, the 2018 UNHCR report points out that by the end of 2017, 68.5 million people have been displaced due to wars and conflicts, in addition to displacements for socioeconomic reasons or due to environmental disasters. Of these, 25.4% are refugees. The UN estimates that the majority of immigrants are of productive age, 74% of them between 20 and 64 years of age seeking access to basic public services and opportunities for decent work. Between 2010 and 2018 Brazil registered more than 700,000 migrants and in the same period 76,625 work permits were issued. In this context, it is recognized that migration can contribute to development if supported by appropriate policies, with the participation of global companies, which can contribute positively, as agents of peace, guaranteeing the right to decent work for vulnerable migrants and thus contribute to reducing the causes of conflict, promoting stability, prosperity and development where they operate. Access practices to the Brazilian labor market promote peace through the guarantee of employment and work opportunities that are fundamental in countries like Brazil, which has received many migrants in situations of economic vulnerability. This vulnerability, and especially the scarcity of labor demand, affects the conditions of peace in Brazil. The research aims to identify and understand corporate practices of global companies in agri-food sector in accessing the Brazilian labor market for migrants in vulnerable situations, to assess whether the practices contribute to sustainable peace.
Ana Luiza da Gama e Souza Bio
Ana Luiza da Gama e Souza is a professor at the Estacio de Sa University Ph.D. Program in law. She holds a Ph.D. in Philosophy at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and a Ph.D. in Sociology and Law at Fluminense Federal University, an MA and a BA in Law and a BA in Philosophy. She develops interdisciplinary research on human rights and business and coordinates the Human Rights Observatory that integrates the Research Network on Human Rights, Peace, Insecurities, Sustainability and Global Actors (REDHIPAS). She is a member of the Global Business and Human Rights Scholars Association (BR2R), the European International Studies Association and the Research Data Alliance (RDA).
Lara Denise Góes da Costa Bio
Assistant Professor at the Post-graduation program of International Security and Defense at the Brazilian War College. She holds a post-doctorate in Human Rights by the PNPD / CAPES of the Post-graduation Program in Law and Social Evolution of the Estácio de Sá University. She holds a Ph.D. in Philosophy, a Ph.D. in Social Sciences, an MA in Social Sciences and a BA in International Relations. Her current research deals with global vulnerabilities and insecurities as challenges to human rights and the development of peace.
Ana Luiza da Gama e Souza ’s CV
Lara Denise Góes da Costa's CV
The Foundation acknowledges that Ana Luiza da Gama e Souza and Lara Denise Góes have successfully completed their project.