Dear Friend,
 It’s that time again – another year flown by! I hope that your year has been happy and your work has been productive and fulfilling.
This year the IPRA Foundation, on the one hand, is celebrating a number of good things: we awarded Small Peace Research Grants to scholars in Kenya and Turkey for timely, innovative research on peace-building in those countries. We are also proud to congratulate our 11th Senesh Fellow on the completion of her Master’s thesis (more details about her work, below). And finally, we have just received a big contribution of library materials from the late Ted Herman for the IPRA Archive at the University of Colorado (more on that below too).
On the other hand, the IPRA Foundation still struggles to achieve its fundraising goals. Unfortunately, IPRAF is not self-sustaining but instead relies on contributions from individuals all over the world. Individuals like you. In this season of gift-giving, I ask you to please consider making a gift to the IPRA Foundation of whatever size is comfortable to you.
Indeed, Ted’s generous bequest is important because it reminds me that we each have something to offer. So often we think that, if we don’t have thousands or millions of dollars to contribute, then we must have nothing to give. But Ted’s gift is a strong reminder that when it comes to supporting the IPRA Foundation, creativity and generosity work quite well together. How can you contribute to the IPRA Foundation’s sustainability? What legacy will you leave behind?
In peace,
Dr. Linda M. Johnston
The IPRA Foundation Needs Your Support Today!
Supporting the essential work of our professional community is more critical in today’s political environment than ever before. Please contribute to the IPRA Foundation today!
International and U.S.-based donors can easily and securely support the IPRA Foundation. Click the PayPal button below to make a secure contribution to our General Fund.

Or send a check made payable to “IPRA Foundation” to:
IPRA Foundation
c/o Rachel Trueblood,Treasurer
2855 Rock Creek Circle #126
Superior, CO 80027
A contribution form to include with your check can be downloaded here.
The IPRA Foundation is a tax-exempt, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Contributions are tax-deductible in the United States.
Ted Herman’s Bequest to the IPRA Library Archive
Leave Your Own Legacy: Contribute Your Library of Peace Materials to the Collection!
The IPRA Foundation is the grateful recipient of a major infusion of peace-related books and scholarly works from the library of the late Ted Herman. Mr. Herman, a long-time supporter of the Foundation, bequeathed his peace library to the IPRA Archive at the University of Colorado-Boulder. The Archive now includes hundreds of works, including many from IPRA Foundation founders Elise and Kenneth Boulding, all of which are made available to students and researchers alike.
If you are wondering how best to preserve your own collection and make it useful to the peace research community, please consider a bequest to the IPRA Archive at CU-Boulder. This is a wonderful and thoughtful way to ensure that your carefully collected library of peace-related publications is maintained in a professional setting and continues to foster further scholarship. Please note that any library bequests must include funds to ship the materials to Boulder, Colorado where they can be housed. If you would like more information about how to do this, please contact the IPRA Foundation’s Treasurer at: treasurer(at)
Language-Learning Survey
Your Participation Needed!
Dorota Smiejan, degree candidate at the University of Hamburg’s Department of Applied Linguistics, Section of Investigation in Teaching and Learning Foreign Languages, is conducting a research survey exploring the use of languages in communication in international organizations. The short survey (only 17 questions) is open to members of international organizations and groups such as IPRA.
The survey, which is in English, Spanish and German, can be accessed at: It will be open until 1 February 2012. Your participation will be greatly appreciated by the researcher!
Congratulations to 2010-2011 Senesh Fellow Isioma Kemakolam!
Isioma, who is from Nigeria, has completed her thesis capping her Master’s degree program at Coventry University. She discusses her path of study and her research on UN Resolution 1325 to protect women’s rights in Liberia and Sierra Leone:
“At the beginning, my proposed thesis topic had been Building the Capacity of Traditional Institutions for Enhanced Participation of Women in Peacekeeping but peace and conflict events in the recent past in Africa, especially West Africa, gave me so much concern that I began to question the ability of the UNSCR 1325 to protect the rights of women. Hence in May 2011, I changed my thesis topic and embarked on a study on The Implementation of United Nations Resolution 1325 and the Protection of Women’s Rights: A Comparative Study of Liberia and Sierra Leone.
“The study examined the implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 and its role in the protection of women’s rights in Sierra Leone and Liberia. It sought to determine the extent of its domestication and implementation challenges as well as its impact on the reduction of gender inequality. Using the intersection theory, it examined how multiple identities of women and systems of patriarchy interconnect to violate the rights of women. With feminist theory as a lens, it offered an understanding of why these violations occur, discussed how these identities and systems of oppression interlink to sustain women’s human rights violation and examines the role of UNSCR 1325 in the protection of these rights. Besides being essentially qualitative in approach, the analysis of the findings draws from the comparative method of exploring the similarities and differences in the issues pursued in the study with regards to the objectives.
“While UNSCR 1325 has achieved successes with regards to internalisation within national or domestics laws, as is evident in the study, a lack of accountability mechanisms, inadequate financial and personnel resources, and cultural practices contribute to the ineffective implementation of the resolution in Liberia and Sierra Leone. Given the peculiarities of Liberia and Sierra Leone and the fact that addressing women’s issues would require a comprehensive and multi-sectorial response which would take account of all the institutions that play a functioning role in the domestication or implementation of the Resolution, the study calls for incorporation of intersection theory as an operational framework in the implementation of the Resolution to aid the reduction of incidents of violence against women.
“Flowing from the above findings I plan to work with governmental and women’s organizations in Liberia and Sierra Leone to address issues raised in the study for enhanced implementation of UNSCR 1325.”
New Publications from the IPRAF Community
Zahid Shahab Ahmed, a doctoral student at the University of New England in Australia, has recently published an article entitled: “Peace and Conflict Impact Assessment (PCIA): Lessons from Pakistan” in the
Peace and Conflict Review
(vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 12-27). Mr. Ahmed was the recipient of an IPRA Foundation Small Peace Research Grant in 2007 where he focused on international aid interventions in Pakistan.
Access this paper through the following link.
Dr. Ibrahim Seaga Shaw, a member of IPRA’s Governing Council, has a new book forthcoming – Human Rights Journalism: Advances in Reporting Distant Humanitarian Interventions. In it, Dr. Shaw draws on a number of case studies to illustrate the power of the media to encourage education and engagement of the general public in defense of human rights and the prevention of violence. The book can be ordered online.
Dr. Shaw is Senior Lecturer in Media and Politics at Northumbria University in Newcastle, UK. He holds a PhD from the Sorbonne and is co-editor of Expanding Peace Journalism (2011).
2012 International Peace Research Association International Conference
Ise Sun Arena in Ise City, Mie Prefecture, Japan
for details and updates.
Stay current on the latest news of the IPRA Foundation’s global research community! |
Call for 2012-13 Senesh Fellowship Applications!
The Dorothy Senesh Fellowship provides school expenses in the amount of $5,000 per year for two years and is available to women from developing countries who have completed a Bachelor’s degree, who have been accepted into a graduate program and whose graduate work is to be focused on issues related to the goals of IPRA.
Awards are considered based on need; therefore students with substantial funding sources are less likely to be considered for the award. More information can be found on the IPRA Foundation website.